Another day & the sunshine is still shyly peeping between the fluffy Cumulus clouds in our light blue Irish sky- Even in these times of April Lockdown, I marvel at how Nature unwittingly catches us Humans unaware & inspires awe which in turn sparks a sense of unflinching hope- A deep feeling that together caring we will even in the midst of uncertainty bloom & flourish like the blossoms I see emerging all around me."Capture that Pause, lightly close the eyes over, take those 4 mindful breaths & open to vividly see what is ahead of you.- Open to the 'Wonder Senses' let the feel, touch & sound revitalize & energize our Human Zest once more-
as with heart, mind & body we live another day - fully Awake & Aware of our part.".
Smile ... even though your sense of isolation is mounting...." It's Always Mindfulness O'Clock!"20/4/2020 It is so important after all our shared commitments, inspiring compassion & nationwide efforts that we don't fall into default- complacent mode! As I awoke today a little weary because as a Principal I sorely missed our lovely little school & its incredible boys and girls , yet I felt a smile brighten my sore expression & then It just hit me - yes we are definitely united all doing our upmost to protect the most vulnerable throughout this awful pandemic but it is also about these little 4 & 5 year olds who eternally copy our ways, absorbing what we do not what we say! And with heart, I truly believe when we look back that we can say 'Yes we tried, Yes we came together, Yes we faced the reality & Yes we responded rather than reacted!' That to me is complete mindful thought. No approach is perfect, but some are simply more compassionate, more inclusive & more mindful than others. So I felt I needed to remind myself that hey Nicki "It's Always Mindfulness O'Clock!" Keep Safe, Healthy & Sane everyone. The Irish Sunshine (perhaps because it is rare enough) seems to revitalize & help us restores our zest & hope especially during these Covid 19 times- If you like why not take 15 mins downtime to try this little visualization- " Capture- the
Mountain Meditation ( Part of the initiative- Together sharing freely we stay connected, caring for all in our communities... This practice can be so Inspiring in times of Change, Particularly potent given our shared Worldwide Pandemic. We will get there together - as we are all part of Nature, So connected & yet unique in character. I often find my imagination wondering to the solitary beauty that encapsulates Skellig Michael. Even its inhabitants the Puffin birds have there own unique colony in the midst of what many claim to be a barren & harsh landscape. There is no doubt its Pagan & Celtic routes echo even when just viewing this magnificent island from the mainland. To me, it embodies- "Resilience, Stillness & the Connectivity of Nature"- moment to moment wild Atlantic waves crash against it and yet it stands tall in all that chaos. Giving hope to those who look upon its strength. Tóg Seans é- Bí Cróga! I had to share this vibrant link- The poetry & art say it all! I Resilience Our resilience takes my breath away. It stands intimately entwined with our terrible translucent fragility. We are soft and small, brief and biodegradable. And yet, we sometimes flare like a match ignited in darkness Illuminating the moment, revealing the truth we know but cannot explain: How we are sustained By the scent of another’s sun-salted skin, the soft brush of lips on the nape of the neck. By the blazing dawn- a promise searing the sky, the loon’s lonely wail at the end of the day. How we are sustained By what we love By that which Loves us. ( by Oriah Mountain Dreamer) – |